About a week ago, the virtual inspiration day “Novacura Connect – EMEA 2022” was held for Flow users and partners. First of all – we want to thank all of you 200+ people who signed up for this day,
In this virtual event, we shared news and thoughts for the future, such as Flow 6 Highlights, Ready-to-Use Applications on the Marketplace, The Future of Flow: New Product line Presentation and our new approach to Customer Success.
We also got a sneak peek at the future new look and feel of Novacura that will be introduced to all of you later this year – stay tuned!
During the day, there was a chance to listen to other customers who shared some real examples of how they are using Novacura Flow in their daily work;
- Maxon showed how they improved the operational efficiency of its warehouse with Novacura Flow.
- The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection & Emergency Planning (DSB) demonstrated how they improved the efficiency of its Civil Defense mission with Novacura Flow.
Insights from the participants
Everyone who attended the event shared valuable insights on where the focus should be year by answering questions such as;
- What new Flow solution(s) are you most likely to implement by the end of the year?”
– Most of the participants (49%) said they would focus on mobile applications - How relevant is the Zero Modification concept for your business?
– A vast majority seemed to be after this concept. - How likely are you to move your business systems to the cloud?
We hope everyone learned some things, had a chance to see what some of your peers were doing and found some inspiration from the day!
We recommend you sign up for our Lunch & Learn session!
During every Lunch and Learn Workshop, we’ll take a closer look at how you can accelerate efficiency gains by incorporating AI-based solutions to optimize your Manufacturing & Engineering processes. We’ll demonstrate how artificial intelligence (AI) can be set up to recognize manufactured goods/components on the conveyer belt to monitor production. You can follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube to see our latest and upcoming events!