Enterprise Assets Management Module
Manage your assets smarter with IFS Cloud
IFS Cloud Asset Management is a cloud-based solution that assists businesses in overseeing their physical assets across their lifecycle, from planning and implementation to day-to-day operations and maintenance. It also offers functionalities for asset performance management, maintenance planning, B2B contracting, GIS integration, and document management.

Asset planning and realization
Design, estimate, and execute asset installation and commissioning projects. Create and compare various asset solutions using templates, standard tasks, and physical characteristics.
Utilize compatible units to automatically generate work tasks and equipment structures.
The module supports both equipment objects and linear assets, working with parallel revisions and estimates during the design phase. The goal of the module is to enhance the efficiency and quality of asset implementation processes.

Asset operations and maintenance
IFS Cloud asset operations and maintenance solution is an EAM (enterprise asset management) system designed to manage and optimize the maintenance of assets, including linear assets, equipment objects, and tools.
It enables users to define and execute various types of maintenance work, such as preventive and corrective, using standard templates and programs.
EAM solution also tracks costs, materials, purchases, labor, and the performance of maintenance work. Users can access the solution online or offline, monitor, and measure the performance of their maintenance work against predefined targets and benchmarks.

Asset performance management
Automate and optimize the maintenance of assets based on their real-time data and conditions. Collect and analyze various machine measurements and readings, such as hours, cycles, temperatures, feeds, and speeds, as well as equipment stops and starts.
It uses this information to trigger different types of maintenance work, such as prescriptive or condition-based, depending on the criteria and thresholds defined by the user.
Asset Management Software also provides a visual representation of asset health and performance using advanced analytics. Integrate with public APIs using the IoT controller and support operational models for stop and start events, measurements, alarms, and indirect time for manufacturing.
Maintenance planning
Execute maintenance work orders and tasks efficiently and effectively. Optimize the maintenance plan based on the site.
Use activity-driven allocation & monitoring for resources, materials, priority factors, and constraints. IFS Cloud EAM solution also enables users to monitor and adjust the plan according to operational changes and deviations.
The system provides a visual representation of the planned activities and their dependencies, as well as the window of execution for preventive maintenance.

B2B contracting
IFS Cloud B2B contracting is an ERP module that enables users to collaborate with subcontractors for various maintenance projects. Users can create and compare tenders from multiple suppliers and share work details and documents with them.
Subcontractors can access a portal where they can bid, accept, and report on their work.
Users can also purchase limited task user licenses for their vendors to allow them to interact directly with the IFS Cloud system. The module simplifies and streamlines the B2B contracting process, improving efficiency and transparency."
Document management
Create, edit, and manage documents across the organization. IFS Cloud document management provides features such as workflow, templates, version control, release management, and access control.
The module integrates with other business objects in the application to ensure consistency and accuracy of information. It also enables users to handle the entire lifecycle of documents with ease and efficiency.
Record the history of document changes and actions and allow users to access and modify documents according to their roles and permissions. End-to-end document management in IFS Cloud helps users create, store, access, and manage documents from any device and location.
The IFS Cloud is an evergreen solution. It creates value for users by providing instant access to continuous software innovations and upgrades. Major changes are delivered twice a year, in Spring and Autumn.
Introduction of Data Level Access control
Addition of Digital Signing of Documents
Continued Development of Replication Messages Functionality
List of customers using IFS Cloud obtained from official IFS promotional materials (IFS Cloud).

TECHNICAL highlights:

GIS Integration: map assets, optimize operations
The GIS module in IFS Cloud Asset Management allows users to view and manage the location and status of various assets on a map. It uses the ArcGIS platform from ESRI to display maps and data from the IFS business application.
Users can configure how they want to visualize different types of assets, such as equipment objects, linear assets, work orders, and tasks.
The GIS module helps users monitor, plan, and optimize their enterprise asset management operations.

Modern User Interface for easy navigation and beautiful design
FS Cloud offers enjoyable experiences through a responsive, user-centric design. It furnishes you with the IFS Lifecycle Experience and portals that assist you in the entire process of purchasing, implementing, operating, and expanding. Accessing your data and applications is also possible from any device, anywhere, and at any time.
Connect devices, streamline processes
IoT in IFS Cloud is a way of connecting the world of IoT devices with the world of business applications. It allows users to gather, analyze, and act on data from sensors and other sources, such as wind turbines, machines, or vehicles.
It also enables users to monitor, maintain, and optimize the performance and lifecycle of their assets. IoT in IFS Cloud consists of three main components: the Discovery Manager, the IoT Gateway, and the IoT Controller which allows to operate it as you like.

AI based advanced algorithms platform
AI in IFS Cloud consists of IFS.ai, an AI architecture that extends the use of AI across all IFS Cloud functions and customer businesses. IFS.ai enables users to automate and optimize processes and decisions related to people, assets, and services, using machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other AI techniques.
IFS.ai also supports data visualization, reporting, and analytics to help users make better and faster decisions.
IFS Cloud leverages AI, machine learning, and automation to assist customers in achieving growth, delivering successful outcomes, and pivoting quickly as needs arise.

Secure data, simplify processes
IFS Cloud Security is a flexible security framework that uses standard technologies for authentication, encryption, communication, and authorization. IFS Cloud security has a log function that tracks all data modifications, creating an audit trail.
IFS Cloud Security is managed through an Information Security Management System, certified to ISO 27001:2013, and aligns with ISAE3402 and SSAE18 SOC standards.
IFS Cloud security is subject to frequent vulnerability scanning and penetration testing.
Deploy wherever you want
IFS Cloud is a flexible and scalable solution that can adapt to the changing needs of service organizations. It can be deployed on-premise, in the cloud, or as a hybrid model. It can also be configured and customized to suit different industries, geographies, and business processes. It can support any size of service organization, from small to large.

Always up to date (Evergreen)
IFS Cloud is a cloud-based solution that delivers the most advanced features and functionalities for your business needs. It follows a regular development plan with releases twice a year, in half year intervals, with versions R1 and R2. This ensures that you always have access to the latest innovations and improvements from IFS Cloud, without having to worry about the maintenance and upgrade costs. IFS Cloud is the smart choice for staying ahead of the competition.
Ready for modification and expanding
IFS Cloud is a solution that can be easily extended and customized to meet your specific business needs and preferences. One of the tools that you can use to extend IFS Cloud is Novacura Flow, a low-code platform that allows you to create your own ERP applications by simply drawing them in a graphical interface. Novacura Flow also offers business process management and integration capabilities, as well as a library.
Below we summarize the list of areas supported by IFS Cloud Enterprise Assets Management:
Asset planning and realization
- Repository of standard tasks
- Parallel revision handling
- Expedited asset estimation
- Supports creation of equipment objects
- Supports creation of linear assets
- Automatic work task creation
- Powerful configuration capability
Asset operations and maintenance
- Repositories with revision control
- Standard work templates
- Maintenance programs
- Preventive maintenance actions
- Cost collection and rollup
- Material, purchases, labor
- Coded objects for posting
- Online and offline work execution
- KPI tracking
Asset performance management
Public APIs using the IoT controller
- Operational Models for:
- Stop and start events
- Measurements
- Alarms - Indirect time for manufacturing
Maintenance planning
Planning of work orders and tasks
Considers several resource type requirements
Considers dependencies
Automatic planning proposal with manual adjustment
Planning of preventive maintenance actions
Define window of execution for preventive maintenance
Set date period for an event
Visualization of planned activities
B2B contracting
Tendering process with multiple suppliers
Tender comparison
Single source of work definition
Download and upload of documents
Easy to use portal for contractors
GIS integration
Integration with maps in ArcGIS from ESRI
Toolbox to configure application data visualization
Visualization of equipment objects
Visualization of linear assets
Document management
- Creation of documents based on templates
- Upload of documents as part of creation process
- Version control
- Access control
- Different storage options
- Business object connection of documents
- Document folders
- Document macro support
List of IFS Cloud Modules, Functionality and Key Capabilities
Explore 11 modules, 90 functionalities, encompassing a diverse range of 765 capabilities. Download the list highlighting the key functional capabilities provided by IFS Cloud (2023-R2). Novacura – Trusted by 220+ Companies.

How to implement:

Östen Westman
IFS Expert
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