
Integration Capabilities


How does IFS Cloud ensure interoperability and

comprehensive integration with other applications?

IFS Cloud’s open Service-Oriented Component Architecture and comprehensive RESTful APIs enable seamless integration with other applications, supporting modern protocols and extensive connectivity. This approach ensures interoperability for diverse technologies and emphasizes a well-defined integration strategy, including both point-to-point integrations and digital switchboards.

Find out more about IFS integration capabilities. The provided site will guide you through:

  • Native Integration Tools for IFS Cloud (IFS Connect, Data Migration, Excel Data Migration Add-In, etc.)
  • Supported communication formats (expandable REST API with OData standard, SOAP, EDI, and flat files)
  • Extended features (Novacura Flow)

Native Integration Tools for IFS Cloud:

IFS Cloud Integration capabilities offer unparalleled flexibility and power, enabling connectivity with any external system or application. With built-in features and comprehensive support for various protocols, IFS Cloud ensures that your business processes can integrate effortlessly and efficiently, no matter the complexity.

API First Design

IFS Open Architecture for Better Integration leverages an API First Design, ensuring all objects and business logic are fully accessible via the API. This approach adheres to the OData standard, providing seamless and efficient integration capabilities.  


IFS Cloud implementation empowers businesses to extend the API with custom functions tailored to specific, specialized requirements.


This capability allows for more optimized and precise solutions than the generic methods built into the system. By creating custom API extensions, we enable businesses to address unique challenges and enhance overall operational efficiency. 

IFS Connect

Built-in integration broker within the IFS Integration architecture, designed for web services and various standard protocols. It facilitates the integration of business logic with external processes, applications, and devices through transport connectors like SFTP, Mail, SOAP, and REST.


While not a full-featured ESB, IFS Connect offers essential features such as content-based message routing, message transformation, store-and-forward, and supports integration with external workflow servers using BPEL standards.

Data Migration

IFS Cloud offers robust in-solution tools for data migration, capable of importing data from any database table or plain flat files. Imported data is initially placed in a loading table, allowing for supplementation, cleansing, and quality assurance before being imported into IFS Cloud.


This ensures that data is always processed through the business logic, maintaining adherence to business rules and validation standards.

Excel Data Migration Add-In

The Excel Data Migration Add-In for IFS Cloud simplifies the process of importing data by allowing users to leverage familiar Excel spreadsheets. This tool enables data to be mapped, validated, and loaded directly from Excel into IFS Cloud, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.


With its intuitive interface, users can easily manage data migration tasks without extensive technical knowledge, streamlining the integration process.


IFS Cloud implementation supports robust EDI integration, allowing seamless electronic data interchange between business partners. This ensures that all transactions and communications adhere to industry standards, promoting efficiency and accuracy.


By utilizing EDI integration, IFS provides reliable and scalable solutions, enhancing overall business connectivity and performance. 

Project Tools

IFS Project Gateway, enabling efficient project management and collaboration. This integration ensures that all project data is seamlessly shared and accessible, improving coordination and decision-making. By utilizing IFS Project Gateway, IFS provides powerful and scalable project management solutions, enhancing overall business efficiency and performance. 


Expandable REST API with OData Standard

IFS Cloud's REST API, based on the OData standard, is modern and cloud-ready, providing access to all objects with 5,000 projections and hundreds of endpoints per projection. This API-first approach allows for extensive interaction with the system, and users can create custom projections to enhance efficiency and control by grouping multiple operations or adding additional logic.

The expandable nature of the API supports batch loading and improved process management, ensuring flexibility and scalability for diverse integration needs.

SOAP, EDI and Flat Files

IFS Cloud supports various integration methods to facilitate seamless data exchange. SOAP integration offers a robust and secure protocol ideal for complex, enterprise-level integrations, ensuring compatibility and reliability through standardized XML messaging.


IFS EDI automates the exchange of business documents in a standardized format, streamlining communication and reducing errors.


For legacy systems, IFS Cloud continues to support flat file integration, allowing data exchange through simple text files to maintain continuity. These diverse integration options ensure that businesses can manage data efficiently and effectively, regardless of the complexity of their systems.


Novacura Flow

Integration of IFS Cloud using the "Extend on the Outside" principle involves extending complex integration logic outside the core systems to create a centralized 'hub and spoke' architecture. This method allows the use of standard APIs and minimizes the need for extensive customizations, enhancing flexibility and maintainability. By leveraging external integration platforms, businesses can achieve seamless connectivity and synchronization across various applications and systems, ensuring efficient data flow and process automation.

Enjoy low-code benefits with Novacura Flow technology bridge for ERP, image by Novacura

Technology Brigde (Out of the Box)

Novacura Flow serves as a powerful technology bridge for integrating IFS Cloud with various systems, embracing the "Extend on the Outside" philosophy. It simplifies the creation of high-level business services and connects ERP systems with other applications through a centralized service bus.


The platform supports a wide range of integration scenarios, managing data exchanges efficiently and providing a transparent view of all integration activities.


Novacura Flow leverages dedicated ERP connectors, ensuring reliable and up-to-date integration capabilities. Additionally, it offers a low-code approach, making it accessible for users to build complex integrations without extensive technical expertise.

Dedicated, Advanced IFS Cloud Connectors

The Advanced IFS Cloud Connector offers a no-code approach, allowing users to easily browse the "projections" directory and select the appropriate endpoint from a list.


It ensures proper syntax control, simplifying integration tasks and reducing errors. Additionally, the connector is maintained to highlight API changes for new releases, ensuring compatibility and up-to-date functionality.

Flow Uses ERP-based User Rights Management

Novacura Flow's dedicated ERP connectors enable mapping of Flow users to ERP users, ensuring consistent privilege management. Operations such as reading and writing data are performed using the appropriate ERP user, with access and privileges controlled by the ERP system.

This setup prevents users from accessing inappropriate data and relieves app developers from managing privileges, maintaining consistency with the ERP's primary user configuration.

IFS Cloud can be easily customized and extended, photo Novacura

Deeply Integrated

Novacura Flow operates on ERP objects using dedicated connectors and official API methods. IFS Connectors are constantly developed & maintained to support latest IFS versions. With Novacura Flow you are Evergreen! Automatically.

Individual Approach, Standardized Process

The integration process using Novacura Flow follows an individual approach with standardized procedures. Each integration is tailored to specific requirements through low-code tools, ensuring precise mapping and control over user privileges based on the ERP system.

This method allows for consistent and secure operations, leveraging standardized API and endpoint configurations, while simplifying the development process for app developers.

48 Essential Questions About IFS Cloud Integration Answered!

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Östen Westman

IFS Expert

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