Novacura Flow User Conference 2023
6 – 7 September, 2023 Jacy’z Hotel & Resort, Gothenburg, Sweden
In September, for many industries, it’s a time to return to business after the summer break and holiday period. Therefore, many companies initiate new projects or continue with ongoing ones. Novacura is committed to staying ahead and keeping its customers well-informed about ongoing developments. We strive to maintain relationships with our customers to assure them that we’re here to help them grow their businesses and succeed in their industries.
Between September 6th and 7th, 2023, we had an excellent opportunity to meet with our customers and partners during the Novacura Flow User Conference 2023 at Jacy’z Hotel & Resorts in Gothenburg, Sweden. The event was attended by nearly 80 representatives from various companies that use Novacura Flow daily or are involved in product development. We had the opportunity to share insights about our flagship product through 17 presentations in just 2 days!
The overall positive impression from our visitors clearly indicates that the event was a great success, adding value to strengthen confidence among our partners and customers. It was evident that Novacura Flow stays ahead in meeting constantly changing market requirements, helping various industries manage their operations beyond warehouse management.
Audience at the Novacura Flow User Conference 2023 in Sweden.
On a journey with Novacura Flow
During the event, our team of experts explained how Novacura Flow can be agile to meet growing demands and assist companies in navigating an ever-changing environment and coping with ongoing trends, including Artificial Intelligence (AI).
AGENDA September 6th
10:00 AM – Welcome & information – Jennie Johansson
10:10 AM – Novacura´s CEO – The future is bright both for Novacura – Johan Melander
10:30 AM – Novacura Flow Connect – Paul Phillips
11:15 AM – Customer Case: ODFJELL – Joakim Holsten Leren
11:55 AM – Novacura Flow in Action – Łukasz Majer
12:30 PM – Novacura Integration Engine – Andreas Crona
2:00 PM – Customer Case: Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe AB – Darren Ashton
2:40 PM – Integration Cases – Andreas Crona
2:40 PM – Flow Portal 2 – Ola Carlander & Malin Johansson
4:05 PM – Novacura Flow and Integration – Petter Larsson
4:05 PM – Flow Studio – Malin Johansson & Andreas Berggren
4:45 PM – Summary of Day #1 + Mentimeter survey – Jennie Johansson
AGENDA September 7th
9:00 AM – IFS Cloud Integration with OData API – Irshad Hassan & Albin Lundberg
9:00 AM – Novacura Flow on Infor M3 – Adam Wojtyniak
9:40 AM – IFS Cloud Upgrade – now or later? – Lars Steen
9:40 AM – A closer look at Novacura Flow Connect – Andreas Berggren
10:20 AM –Customer Case: Öhlins – Arnold Hovén
11:00 AM – The future of Flow – Paul Phillips
11:35 AM – Flow Connect – Early adopters – Aksel Jarlback
12:00 PM – Summary + Thank you – Jennie Johansson
The event began with a welcome presentation by our CEO, Johan Melander, providing attendees with a closer look at Novacura’s future. Following that, Paul Phillips gave a quick overview of the live demo, showcasing the next steps in the roadmap of Novacura Flow Connect. This exceptional presentation revealed the new interface and other useful features of the upcoming release.
Johan Melander presenting Novacura Marketplace with ready-to-use applications.
Paul Phillips during presentation Novacura Flow Connect.
Among other presentations, we heard from Lukasz Majer, who guided us through interesting examples of Novacura Flow in action across different industries. His presentation led to content revealed by Andreas Crona, who introduced a new package from Novacura Flow related to the Novacura integration engine, as well as integration cases, in his next presentation to provide everyone with a better understanding of these software capabilities.
Lukasz Majer during his presentation about Novacura Flow capabilities.
Andreas Crona explaining integration capabilities of Novacura Flow.
We also heard from Petter Larsson, VP of Business Development of Novacura, who presented how Novacura can integrate with machines in manufacturing, retrieve data from these machines, and effectively store it in the ERP system.
Petter Larsson during his presentation.
Petter Larsson and Paul Phillips at the conference venue.
Special attention was given to the presentation by Malin Johansson and Andreas Berggren, who introduced Flow Studio with hot Tips & Tricks to help our users make the most out of our software. In the next session, the Flow studio was explored in greater detail by Ola Carlander, Customer Success Specialist in Partner Support.
From left Andreas Berggren, Malin Johansson and Christian Fransson, Novacura team members at the event waiting to give their presentation.
The second day of the event was also rich in valuable content shared by our experts. The first presentation was hosted by Irshad Hassan and Albin Lundberg, our Novacura Cloud OData experts, who presented insights on IFS Cloud Integration with OData API. Simultaneously, the audience had the option to switch to the second session of presentations, hosted by Adam Wojtyniak, Product Manager Labs at Novacura, who shared news about ready-made Marketplace Applications and how to expand Infor M3 with Novacura Flow.
Irshad Hassan at the venue, working on his presentation.
Albin Lundberg at the venue.
Subsequent presentations shed light on IFS Cloud Upgrades, presented by Lars Steen, VP of Services at Novacura, and a closer look at Novacura Flow Connect, presented by Andreas Berggren.
Lars Steen sharing about the role of Novacura in IFS environment.
The last presentation, made by the Novacura team, was dedicated to Novacura Flow Connect and how to become an early adopter of our solution. Aksel Jarlbäck was able to introduce the future of the product in the context of a growing market and how users can better aligns with market demand through access to Flow Connect.
From left Aksel Jarlback during his presentation with Jennie Johansson, host of the Novacura Flow User Conference.
Customer Cases
Valuable insights were also provided by our customers, including Arnold Hovén, IT Manager at Öhlins Racing, Darren Ashton, a Logistics Engineer at Mitsubishi Logisnext Europe AB, and Joakim Holsten Leren, Digital Solutions Architect at Odfjell Drilling/Technology. They shared their firsthand experiences of using Novacura Flow to support and optimize their processes. Considering the industries they operate in, from Manufacturing to Oil & Gas and Logistics, Novacura’s agility and flexibility have proven crucial in enhancing operations.
Joakim Holsten Leren during his presentation on how Odfjell utilizes Novacura Flow to support and optimize their processes within Maintenance, SCM and HR.
The event was a great success, eagerly anticipated by Novacura Flow Users and partners. We extend special thanks to Jennie Johansson, who hosted the event and went to great lengths to deliver a great customer experience.
The presentations will be available to watch online on Novacura’s official YouTube channel. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming releases through our next blog posts.
See highlights!
We want to express our big thanks to all visitors for their presence at the event. We hope to see you soon at the next events organized by Novacura. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further insights from our conference. We’ll be glad to answer all your questions related to Novacura Flow. Stay in touch with us!