Minco designs and manufactures advanced components for the medical, aerospace and defence industries globally.
Minco provides quality engineering solutions for thermal, temperature sensing and control, and flex circuit technologies for a variety of industry sectors.
The challenge
When customers, offices and manufacturing are located throughout the world, it is crucial that deliveries are correct. But despite meticulous processes, Minco’s customer requirements were not being met, which sometimes resulted in complaints and tedious return processes. The same applied internally: inventory on shelves and in Minco’s ERP system were not always consistent. It all came down to the human factor, as all transport tasks were handled manually and a small mistake could mean huge consequences.
As a result, Minco started to look for a barcode solution so that employees could easily scan products before shipping to verify that the product is correct and is going to the correct customer, as well as upon delivery.

Minco expected a solution for processes both within and outside our ERP system. Before Novacura it wasn’t possible to customize their current processes as it was way too expensive.
The solution
As soon as Minco received a demonstration of Novacura Flow (low-code platform), he realized that this was the right solution. And after a 30-day trial, he was convinced.
In the first week, we implemented four workflows and got a custom-made product that was both affordable and easy to customise.
Today, 28 employees are using Novacura Flow, primarily in stock and inventory, and they have a total of 18 hand-held devices and multiple desktop scanners. The time saving is important, but that’s just the beginning, as Matt explains.
The stockroom group saves time and steps, which is good for flexible processes. But above all, we see that discrepancies and returns are going down – we simply have more satisfied customers now.
Another benefit for Minco has been all of the development opportunities. Novacura’s U.S. partner, Enterprise Consulting, was asked if they could train one of the developers at Minco so that they could construct smart workflows internally. This was a success, according to Michael Tapper at Enterprise Consulting.
We arranged a workshop that combined training for Minco’s developer Jeff with building the actual workflows for production use. Following the two day workshop Jeff was trained and able to build his own workflows, plus the workshop resulted in two workflows being built and deployed into production.
And since then, the development has continued. Minco now has 13 new workflows, ranging from cycle counting flows to individual time reporting on shop orders.
We see that
discrepancies and
returns are going down
– we simply have more
satisfied customers now.

Something that had been requested but had not been possible in the current version of IFS Minco is using. In addition, they have constructed worksheets that can be managed with Android tablets for the Quality Assurance department – they can now compile and transmit digitally and directly to management during an audit.
I see a lot of future applications for Novacura Flow at Minco.
Matt Hanson has also received enquiries from the finance and purchasing department, because they want to automate and simplify their processes, such as sending invoices to customers.